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At the meeting of the Department of International Law, the report of the doctoral candidate Akshalova R. on the passage of foreign scientific internship was heard

On May 21, 2019, a regular meeting of the Department of International Law was held, chaired by the Head of the Department of International Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Tlepina Sh.V. with the participation of the faculty members of the department. At this meeting, in addition to the main issues on the agenda, the report of the 2nd year doctoral student of the specialty “6D030200 - International Law” of Akshalova Roza on the passage of foreign scientific internship was heard. Candidate of Law, Karabaev F.Zh., Candidate of Law, Sarsenova S.N., PhD, Esirkepova M.M., senior teachers Iskakova Zh.T., Seidesh B. B., teachers Abaeva Kh.A. , Karazhan B.S., Oinarova A.A., Akhanov A.A., Yelegen A.E., doctoral students Kostyanaya Yu.S., Bulatov G.S.
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