

State awards:

Orders of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the highest mark of the highest degree of distinction «Altyn Kyran» («Алтын Қыран»), «Khalyk kaharmany» («Халық қаһарманы»), «Kazakstannyn Enbek Eri» («Қазақстанның Еңбек Epi»), «Otan» («Отан»), «Barys» («Барыс»), «Dank» («Даңк»), «Aibyn» («Айбын»), «Parasat» («Парасат»), «Kurmet» («Құрмет») )

Medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan («Ergligi ushin» («Ерлігі үшін»), «Zhauyngelik erligi ushin» («Жауынгерлік ерлігі ушін»), «Eren enbegi ushin» («Ерен еңбегі үшін»), «Shapagat» («Шапағат»)

Sarsembaev M.A.

1. Order of "Kurmet" (No. 35157 dated December 5, 2011)

2. The Parasat Order, certificate to the Order No. 42127

3. Medal "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2002

4. Medal "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" August 30, 2005

5. Medal "Eren enbegi ushin", order of December 8, 2006

6. Medal "10 zhyl Astana", 2008. Certificate to the medal No. 23297

7. Jubilee medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" with the number 00279 dated November 10, 2011.

8. Jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Constitution – 20 zhyl". Certificate to the medal - No. 00618 dated August 5, 2015.

9. Jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn tauelsizdigine – 25 zhyl"


10. Jubilee medal "25 years of the Kazakh Constitution" (certificate No. 8022), 2020

Abaideldinov E.M. - Medal of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Konstituciyalyk zandylykty nygaytuga qosqan ulesi ushin» Конституциялық заңдылықты нығайтуға қосқан үлесі үшін»)«For Contribution to Strengthening Constitutional Legality» («Za vklad v ukreplenie konstitucionnoy zakonnosti»), 2015

1. Медаль «10 лет Парламенту Республики Казахстан» (2006).

2. «Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан» (2009).

3. Грант МОН РК «Лучший преподаватель вуза» РК (2010).

4. Медаль «Конституциялық заңдылықты нығайтуға қосқан үлесі үшін» («За вклад в укрепление конституционной законности») (2015).

5. Медаль «За вклад в создание Евразийского экономического союза» (Решение Высшего Евразийского экономического Совета от 8 мая 2015 года №4. г. Москва).

6. Медаль ЕНУ «Лев Гумилев» (2019).

7. Золотая медаль Ассамблеи народа Казахстана «Бірлік» (2020).

 Карабаев Ф.Ж.

1. Медали МВД II, III степени "За безупречную службу"

2. Медаль МВД "За охрану общественного порядка"

3. Медаль к 25-летию МВД (2018 год)

Honorary titles of the Republic of Kazakhstan («Kazakstannyn enbek sinirgen kayratkeri» («Қазақстанның еңбек сіңірген қайраткері») )

The best teacher of the university

Sabyrov A.S. - The best teacher of the University of 2015

Holders of international titles and diplomas

Abaideldinov E.M. - Medal «For Contribution to the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union», 2015

Kulzhabaeva Zh.O. - Medal «For Contribution to the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union», 2015

Sarsembayev M.A. - Medal «For Contribution to the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union», 2015 

Сertificates of ministries and departments

Seydesh B.B.. - Diploma of E.K. Sagadiyev minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Tauelsiz Kazakstannın ruhany zhane aleumettik damuy jolynda kol jetkizgen tabıstary men bilim beru salasynda koskan ulesi ushin» («Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның рухани және әлеуметтік дамуы жолында қол жеткізген табыстары мен білім беру саласында қосқан үлесі үшін»),  May 23, 2016


Abaideldinov E.M. - Diploma «Winner of the competition», «20 best scientific works for the ENU 20th anniversary», 2016

Akshalova R.D. - Honorary Certificate of the ENU Rector Y.B. Sydykov for contribution to the development of higher education and the educational work with students in honor of March 8, March 3, 2016


Kulikpaeva M.Zh. - Honorary Certificate of the ENU Rector Y.B. Sydykov for contribution to the development of science in honor of the celebration of April 12 - Scientist's Day, April 14, 2016.

Iskakova Zh.T. - certificate of honor of the Minister of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021

Yensebayeva G.B. - Honorary Certificate of the ENU Rector Y.B. Sydykov for contribution to the development of science in honor of the celebration of April 12 - Scientist's Day, April 14, 2016.

Zukay Z.Z. - Honorary Certificate of Dean of the Faculty of Law Amandykova S.K. for contribution to the development of the education system, for success in scientific work and in the education of a worthy generation of lawyers, December 2015.

Zhunusbekova A.Zh. - Honorary Certificate of Dean of the Faculty of Law Amandykova S.K. for contribution to the development of the education system, for success in scientific work and in the education of a worthy generation of lawyers, December 2015.

Kudaibergenov A.K. - Honorary Certificate of Dean of the Faculty of Law Amandykova S.K. for contribution to the development of the education system, for success in scientific work and in the education of a worthy generation of lawyers, December 2015.

Sabyrov A.S. - State grant «The best teacher of the university»,  L.N. Gumilyov ENU, February 4, 2016


Achievements of students