Встреча профессора Ахпанова А.Н. со студентами, магистрантами и докторантами юридического факультета ЕНУ им. Гумилева

On November 30, 2022, the department of criminal law disciplines organized a meeting of Professor A.N. Akhpanov with students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Faculty of Law of Gumilev ENU on the educational programs "Judicial-prosecutorial and investigative-criminalistic activities", "Judicial power and Criminal Justice", "Forensic examination" and "Jurisprudence". 
 Professor A.N. Akhpanov, as a representative of the scientific community actively participating in the legislative process of state bodies, presented the results of his work in the project office for the revision of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The students were shown a comparative table with the justification of the necessary amendments to the Code, taking into account the implementation of international legal acts, reviews of foreign legislation, theory of criminal procedure law, problems of judicial and investigative practice.
The revision of the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out in Kazakhstan in pursuance of the Address of the Head of State to the People of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2022 " A just state. One nation. Prosperous Society"
students, undergraduates, doctoral students studying in the educational programs "Judicial and prosecutorial and investigative criminalistic activities", "Judicial power and Criminal Justice", "Forensic examination" and "Jurisprudence". we had the opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements and shortcomings in the criminal procedure legislation.
 During the meeting, students, undergraduates, doctoral students took an active part in the discussion, expressed their opinions, asked questions, which indicates the interest and use of the acquired knowledge in the educational process and in scientific research.
The discussion was attended by the head of the department of criminal law disciplines, c.j.s., professor Sembekova B.R., senior teachers - c.j.s. Baymoldina S.M., Drokin Yu.N. and Kalmaganbetova D.B.