Participation in the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Tyumen SU Professor of the Department of THSLCLI.S. Saktaganova

Participation in the International Scientific and Theoretical

Conference of Tyumen State University

Professor of the Department of Theory and History

of State and Law, Constitutional Law I.S. Saktaganova


On October 22, 2021, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law I.S. Saktaganova took part in the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Tyumen State University «Actual problems of the formation of Russian constitutionalism (theory, history and practice)».

Professor I.S. Saktaganova made a presentation on the topic: «The current state of state-legal regulation of the pension system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of digitalization». The information of the speech aroused the interest of the conference participants. Questions were asked concerning the retirement age of men and women under Kazakh legislation, the principle of using pension savings to improve housing conditions and for treatment, and many other issues.

The conference was held at a high theoretical level and marked the beginning of fruitful cooperation between universities.