Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "The role of museums in the implementation of the program" Ruhani zhangyru "

May 19, 2018 Republican scientific and practical conference on the theme "The role of museums in the implementation of the program" Ruhani zharyrou ", where he was a doctor of law, associate professor of the department of theory and history of state and law, constitutional law, Ibrahimov Zh.

During the conference priority aspects of the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 12, 2017 "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness" were discussed. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the deputies of the city maslikhat, representatives of local government bodies, public figures, as well as the mass media took part in the Republican scientific and practical conference.

During the discussion Ibrahimov Zh.I. noted that "Article NA. Nazarbayev is a new historical document that is called upon to unite the nation. Drawing on the advanced experience of developed countries, the article pays special attention to methods that will educate a competitive generation of citizens through the prism of the realization of the idea of ​​"Mogilik El". To achieve this goal, you need to change your spiritual world. Another important part of the article is the program "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh "on social and human sciences, which aims to give a new quality education to students and the entire younger generation, using modern technologies and the experience of developed countries.

Elbasy pays great attention to the development of education, because a nation that respects knowledge - always reaches enormous heights. Thus, the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan raises concrete ways and solutions to enhance the national spirit in the 21st century.

The participants discussed with great interest the main priorities of the article by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness", as well as five social initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.