Online event was dedicated


Ultty ulyktagan –uly tulga".


On November 30, 2021, the senior lecturer of the Department of Civil, Labor and Environmental Law Marat N.M. held an online event dedicated to the life and work of the statesman and public figure T. Zhurgenov on the topic "Ultty ulyktagan –uly tulga".


Bauyrzhan Berdykozha, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin, participated in this event and gave an online lecture. B. Berdykozha is a scientist who has studied the life path and activities of T. Zhurgenov for many years. The lecture was attended by students of 3-4 courses of the Faculty of Law of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The lecturer dwelt in detail on the merits of T. Zhurgenov in the field of education and culture of Kazakhstan. After the lecture, the students asked B. Berdykozhe their questions.