Guest lecture was held with the participation of a professional mediator


Faculty of Law


Department of Civil, Labor and Environmental Law


                 On September 27, 2021, at the 4th year of the r / o in the discipline "Basics of Mediation" (teacher - Ph.D. Beksultanova R.T.), a guest lecture was held with the participation of a professional mediator - director of the International Center for Mediation and Law "Consent" ( . Nur-Sultan) Esentemirova Ruzanna Erzhanovna.


               During the lecture, the mediator conducted a role-playing game with students to resolve a specific civil conflict in the school team. Students actively participated in the resolution of the conflict. At the end of the role-playing game, the students and the mediator gave the characteristics of this conflict, in which the students expressed their opinions and proposals for resolving the conflict that had created.


                In general, the lecture was held at a high level, students expressed their wishes to continue meetings with practicing mediators.