Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism

On November 12, 2021, Senior lecturer of the Department of Civil, Labor and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law Marat Nurzhan Maratuly held a meeting with specialists on the topic "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism". The event was attended by the chief specialist-theologian of the Department of Social Projects of the Department "Jastar" of the University Muratbek Daribay, Head of the Department of Information and explanatory work of the Center for Religious Studies LLP Almas Yernazarov. Almas Azimkhanovich noted that religious extremism is currently a serious problem and spoke about the ongoing rehabilitation work with young people. University theologian Muratbek Daribay urged students to beware of negative religious trends. The students asked their questions and received exhaustive answers. At the end of the meeting, the participants took a photo for memory.