Professor, Doctor of Law Mukasheva A.A. and Associate Professor, DoctorCandidate of Law Muratkhanova M.B. visited the Bureau of the Bar Association of Ankara

 As part of the scientific internship, Professor of the Department of Civil, Labor and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of ENU, Doctor of Law Mukasheva Anar Abaykhanovna and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Candidate of Law Muratkhanova Meruert Beisenovna visited the Bureau of the Bar Association of Ankara. The meeting took place with the Chairman of the Bureau - Head of the Bar Association of Ankara City - Erinç Sagkan (Av. R. Erinç SAçKAN Başkan).

The Turkish Bar is one of the social and legal institutions of the Republic of Turkey. Deals with the protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of the client in court.

During the visit, opportunities for internships for undergraduates, doctoral students of the Faculty of Law of ENU, participation in various scientific and practical conferences in the field of advocacy were identified.

The visit took place thanks to the organization of the graduate of the Bachelor's Degree of the Faculty of Law of ENU, Master of Laws of the University of Ankara, lawyer Aigerim Bykmaz Sabit. Aigerim is currently successfully combining practical activities with doctoral studies in commercial law.

All expenses associated with visiting Turkey were funded by the state grant "The Best University Teacher - 2020".