Visiting foreign professor N. Shmygol at the Department of State Audit

In order to expand international cooperation during the 1 semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic" (Ukraine) Nadiia Shmygol takes part in the internal program of  the visiting foreign professor at the Gumilyov ENU.



       Within the framework of this program, Professor N. Shmygol gives lectures on the disciplines Efficiency audit, Audit of financial statements for 2nd year undergraduates of the educational program 7M04120 "State Audit" of multilingual training of the Department of State Audit.

Foreign professor N. Shmygol actively uses various innovative methods of teaching economic disciplines in the field of public audit, thereby arousing great interest from the students of this program.