The lyric - epic folkloric poetry "Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu"

The group of bachelor students of the judicial-prosecutorial and investigative-criminalistic directions of the Law Faculty of Law of L. N. Gumilyov ENU organized a performance of lyric - epic folkloric poetry of the kazakh people "Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu". Under the leadership of the deputy dean for student affairs of the Law Faculty B. Yu. Shangirbaeva, a discussion was held pn the poetry of Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu. During the discussion, the main ideas were touched upon and controversial topics were voiced on the poetry. There were considered the importance of the traditions and customs of the kazakh peoplein our contemporary society. A lawyer, a mediator of the international level K.B. Kushkenova was invited for a meeting. Our guest expressed her opinion on this issue and an interesting and inspiring exchange of views with students took place. Every student raised topical issues, rethinking love poetry. Holding such an event caused a storm of emotions among students. The students expressed their gratitude for the discussion.