A foreign professor V.L. Tolstykh came to the Department of International Law with a course of guest lectures for students and undergraduates

From November 1 to November 28, 2021, Vladislav Leonidovich Tolstykh, Doctor of Law, Professor, Scientific supervisor of the Higher School of Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow, Russia), arrived at the Department of International Law as an invited foreign professor.

As part of the visit, lectures are planned for 4th-year students on the discipline "Territorial issues in international law" and for 2nd-year undergraduates on the discipline "Workshop on International Financial Law".

Tolstykh V.L. is the author of more than 150 scientific works on international law, including the textbook "Course of International Law" and the textbook "International Courts and their practice".

In addition, it is planned to participate Tolstykh V.L. in scientific events of the Department of International Law.

It should be noted that this is the second visit of Professor Tolstykh as an invited foreign professor. The first visit took place in November 2018.