The first day of thesis defense was held at the Department of International Law.

June 5, 2020 - at the Department of International Law of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov passed the first day of defense of theses. 10 students of the specialty 5В030200 "International Law" successfully passed the defense.

Themes of dissertational works aroused interest among members of the state certification commission, during which additional questions were asked, which students also successfully dealt with.

Aida Maratovna Kantarbekova, Ph.D. (Law), Advisor to the Department of International Legal Problems of the First Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairperson of the State Certification Commission was Prof. Abaideldinov Erbol Musinovich, Doctor of Law, Ph.D., associate professor Kala Nagima Sunkarbekovna., professor Tlepina Sholpan.