Protection and protection of national interests from potential threats

Within the framework of the grant fundamental theme: "Counteraction to terrorism: improving the criminal policy in the system of ensuring national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (project manager Sembekova, B.R.) September 20, 2018, the International Round Table on Protection and protection of national interests from potential threats. The seminar was attended by Professor Wroclaw University (Poland), Doctor of Law. Arthur Lavnichak., Who made a report: "Violation of the constitutional and political system as a potential threat to nations and the state." The report was highlighted in a comparative analysis of the Constitution and legislation, the disclosure of legal mechanisms to ensure national security, the disclosure of constitutional principles, ensuring a harmonious development of society. The properties of the Basic Law - the Constitution, its stability and immutability are singled out. Violation of constitutional requirements is the cause and consequence of the emergence of potential threats.

The moderator of the International Round Table was the Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines A.B. Skakov, who focused on the potential threat as organized transnational crime, uncovered its mechanisms, singled out characteristic signs for the development of effective methods of counteraction.

With the report "Criminalistic policy in the system of ensuring the anti-criminal security of the individual", Sembekova B.R, who identifies the anti-criminal security of the individual as the dominant effective direction in the system of national security, was addressed, for the implementation of which technical, forensic and methodological and criminalistic facilities. The report of S.M. Baimoldina, who disclosed the criminal law aspects of ensuring security in the field of information technology.

The dean of the Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor S.K. Amandykov and PPS of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines.

The work of the International Round Table was held at a high methodical level, in the form of a discussion.