International human rights day

On December 9, 2019, a Round table dedicated to the "International human rights day" was held. human rights Day is celebrated on the proposal of the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. 423 (V)) annually, on December 10, since 1950. On this day in 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of human rights.

The General Assembly resolution invited all States to report annually on the observance of human rights Day. The high Commissioner for human rights plays an important role in coordinating the observance of human rights Day.


  Human rights take on new meaning as they become the daily reality of every person in the world. Raising awareness of human rights is at the heart of UNESCO's mission in all areas of its competence: education, science, culture and communication.


As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the universal Declaration of human rights, UNESCO brings to the forefront the protection of human rights in accordance with the history and mandate of the Organization.