Curatorial work as a component of the educational process at the Department of International Law


1. Group MPR 1 in the amount of 14 people together with the curator Murzagaliev E.Ch. chose a cultural site of our capital and visited the museum of the first president. During the excursion, we learned about the history of the creation of the museum and its exhibits. The museum dedicated to the life and work of Nursultan Nazarbayev clearly showed the history of the formation of independent Kazakhstan. And also the main points of the development of international relations, which is very important for the future specialty of freshmen.

2. Group MPR1 in the amount of 14 people took part in a charity event dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. These promotions promote the development of kindness, empathy and teamwork. And they introduce students to volunteering.

3. Conducting a curatorial hour for the MPR1 group in the amount of 14 people with the curator E.Ch. Murzagaliev. on the topic "Discussion of the biography of T. K. Zhurgenov", timed to the Teacher's Day. Students learned new information, received video materials for additional study.