Guest lecture of the judges of the Administrative Court of Nur-Sultan

On February 21, 2022, a meeting was held at the Faculty of Law with Judge of the Court of Nur-Sultan Balagumarova Ardak Duisenbekovna and judge of the Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court of Nur-Sultan Amangeldin Aibek Temurovich.
The meeting was held in the 113 room of the educational and administrative building in the format of a guest lecture on the topic: "General principles of administrative proceedings. Similarities and differences from the civil process".
The lecture was attended by students of 1-3 courses in the educational programs B049-"Law", as well as the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law.
The purpose of this meeting was to explain to students the norms of the new Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the lecture, the judges informed the audience about the administrative justice system, about the main novelties of administrative procedural legislation, its significance and impact on the activities of administrative (state) bodies.
The judges stressed that the APPC regulates not only the proceedings on public law disputes, but also the administrative procedure itself.
The lecture aroused great interest among the audience. The students asked questions and received exhaustive answers.