Ruhani zangyru: the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the nation"

Ruhani zangyru: the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the nation"


On April 20, 2019, a meeting was held between members of the Political Council of the Nur Otan Party and the labor collectives of the city of Nur-Sultan. The event was attended by deputies of the maslikhat of  Nur-Sulnan, public figures, employees of the Party Administration of the Nur-Sultan city branch of the Nur Otan party, an associate professor of the theory and history of state and law, and constitutional law Zhamaladen  Ibragimov.

The meeting of the members of the Political Council of the Nur Otan Party was opened with a special session dedicated to the issues of shaping a healthy lifestyle of the nation and modernizing public awareness. The discussion was attended by representatives of district branches and primary party organizations of  Nur-Sulnan.

In the speech of Zh.I. Ibrahimov it was noted that at the XVIII Congress the Chairman of the party Nur Otan defined the main directions of social policy, these are: 1. Every citizen of our country should be not only educated, but also healthy;

2. It is necessary to provide access to quality health care regardless of the place of residence;

3. Domestic medicine, first of all, needs to focus on the prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. With great enthusiasm, the participants took the message about the strengthened measures of development of the health sector.

Zhamaladen Ibragimov  also stressed that the “Rouhani Zagyru” Program received wide support and gave a powerful impetus to the modernization processes in society. This initiative will be qualitatively filled with new content and directions.

     At the end of the event, the participants came to the general opinion that the national medicine, first of all, needs to focus on the prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle, a healthy spirit is formed in the nation. And these values ​​create all the conditions for modernizing the economy and improving the social status and quality of life of the people.