On February 14, 2018, within the framework of the meeting of the student scientific circle

In the meeting of the Circle was attended by the bibliographer of the ENU L.N.Gumilev Scientific Library- Aizhan Magzhanova Arzhanova.

The guys listened with interest, then worked in Electronic Data Sources:

EBS Lan, which presents the educational and scientific literature of profile areas (URL: https://e.lanbook.com);

EBS IPR books, a resource combining licensed educational and scientific literature, periodicals, audiobooks, video courses, online tests on the directions of training implemented in ENU (URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru)

Academic Search Complete, a database that contains the full texts of more than 6,600 journals, more than 6,000 cited journals. More than 5,000 full-text journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus (URL: http://search.ebscohost.com); etc.

The meeting discussed issues of the Head of State - N.A. Nazarbayev "A glance at the future: modernization of public consciousness" (2016). The issues of the cult of knowledge, openness of consciousness were discussed. The children spoke in their speeches about the importance of the high level of education that can be obtained in modern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is among the leading countries in terms of the share of budget expenditures on education. Openness and sensitivity to the achievements of science, progress is perceived as a pledge of success and a confirmation of open consciousness.

Scientific adviser of the Circle of S.V.Tlepina, head of the International Law Department.