Participation in the International Accreditation as a National Expert


Tlepina Sh.V., acting head of the department, took part in the international accreditation of the specialty "Jurisprudence" of the Caspian Public University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) in the period from November 7 to November 11, 2015.

Tlepina Sh.V. identified by the National Representative of Accreditation carried out by Akkreditierungs-Certifizierungs- und Qualitatssicherungs-Institut ACQUIN (Bayrot, Germany).


The accreditation was carried out in accordance with the specialty "Jurisprudence" to the European Directives "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area" (ESG) with the aim of assigning a quality mark to the accreditation institute ACQUIN.


During the accreditation, the peculiarities of the higher legal education of the Republic of Kazakhstan were taken into account and the goals, the concept of the educational program and the sequence of their implementation were considered.


The elements determining the quality of the educational program were:

clearly defined goal of the educational program,

the concept of an educational program,

necessary organizational and resource prerequisites,

Monitoring the implementation of the objectives of the educational program,

improvement of the educational program, etc.